
35 Projects of NCEPU Granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Publishing time:2009-10-12    Viewer:

In the year 2009, there were altogether 188 projects from NCEPU applying for the grants of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 35 of which received grants by the Foundation. Among the 35 projects, 23 were from the Beijing campus with a fund of 6, 830, 000 yuan, and 12 were from the Baoding campus with a fund of 3,860,000 yuan. Thus NCEPU received a fund of 10,690,000 yuan in total this year. It was the first time that NCEPU had received a fund of more than 10,000,000 yuan in that field. Compared with last year, 12 more projects have been granted by the Foundation, with an increase of 2,900,000 yuan.

    Of all the granted projects, the international cooperation and exchange project named “Research on the Dynamic Evaluation of the Wide-area Simultaneous Measurement System and the Improvement on Its Degree of Accuracy” by Professor Bi Tianshu received a fund of one million yuan, which was another major breakthrough in this field after the two projects by professor Liu Shi and professor Wang Zengping.

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