Publishing time:2017-12-29 Viewer:
Jointly organized by our university and The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), the 3rd International Symposium of Fluids and Thermal Engineering was hosted during December 17-19 in Ningbo campus of UNNC. Prof. Xu Jinliang of our university and Prof. Yan Yuying of UNNC were acted as the chairmen of this meeting. Tan Qinliang (Vice-president of NCEPU), May-Tan Mulins (Vice-President of Ningbo campus of UNNC) , Wang Cheng (Secretary of Technology Burea of Ningbo) , Tao Wu (Dean of Engineering of Ningbo campus of UNNC), Yasuyuki Takata (Professor of Ningbo campus of Kyushu University), American Professor Jungho Kim, Chen Li (Professor of University of South Carolina ), Tassos Karayiannis (Professor of Brunel University London), Jiang Pei (Professor of Tsinghua University), together with almost 150 experts and scholars from over 10 countries and areas, were present at the conference. This conference focuses on the hot topics of inter-disciplines among Engineering thermophysics, Material Science and Chemistry. Prof. Xu Jinliang made a speech on Wettability Regulation and funtionalization of Power equipment. Several teachers and students from School of Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering of NCEPU attended the conference and gave talks. This conference is one of the international conferences co-hosted by our university and UNNC. Jointly launched by Prof. Xu Jinliang and Prof. Yan Yuying, and later sponsored by international cooperation projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and 111 Introducing Talents Programmes, this series of conferences are also the important “Double-First Class” Projects planned by our university. [Translator: Ke Weichu Proof-reader: Li Zhanfang]
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