Publishing time:2018-04-10 Viewer:
On March 31 and April 1, North China Electric Power University held the commencement and degree award ceremony for 2018 post graduates in Beijing and Baoding campuses respectively. University heads Zhou Jian, Yang Yongping, He Hua, Hao Yingjie, Sun Zhongquan, Wang Zengping, Wang Qinghua, Guo Xiaofeng, Lyu Fangcheng, and Tan Qinliang, representatives from functional departments, deans of schools, and 2,524 graduates attended the degree awarding ceremony which was hosted by Vice President Lyu Fangcheng, vice chairman of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of NCEPU. The ceremony officially began with the national anthem. Vice President Wang Zengping, who is also the vice chairman of the academic degree assessment committee of NCEPU, announced the Decision on the Degree Award of the Academic Degree Assessment Committee of NCEPU . University heads presented awards for winners of outstanding graduates and excellent dissertations, and diplomas to the representatives of the graduates. Yang Yongping, president of NCEPU and chairman of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, gave a speech titled “Realize the Youthful Dream in the New Era and Forge Ahead the New Journey” expressing congratulations to all the graduate students (37 PhD graduates and 2,487 Master Degree graduates) and gratitude to their teachers, families and friends who made contributions to their growth and success. President Yang Yongping conferred degrees to every PhD graduates and Master Degree graduates and took photos with them. [Translator: Wang Rujia Proof-reader: Wu Jiaping]
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