
Art Troupe of Our University Went to America for Idaho International Summerfest

Publishing time:2013-09-10    Viewer:


        At the invitation of government of Idaho state,the organizing committee of Idaho International Art Festival of Music and Dance, and Sino American Culture Performance Exchange Association, on July 9th to 26th, a Chinese delegation of college students art troupe formed by 29 students and teachers from North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) and Beijing International Studies University (BISU) went to America and participated in Idaho International Art Festival of Folk Music and Dance. The art troupe of our university has been participating in the festival for seven consecutive years. The art troupe of our university had more than 20 performances in over 10 shows on behalf of China during its visit to America, successfully completing the art performance exchange task.

        Idaho International Art Festival of Folk Music and Dance has been held for 28 sessions so far. It’s an important platform to promote the exchange of international culture and art performance. The festival this year has invited more than 10 delegations from all the world such as China, Columbia, Korea, Guatemala, Israel and so on. The Chinese delegation displayed the unique charm of Chinese folk dances to America and all the international friends, which set an example image of a cultural power.   

        The opening ceremony of the art festival was held at local time 7:30 on the evening of July,16th . The art troupe of our university and BISU jointly performed group dances The Hilarious Night, Lift Your Veil, Dancing and Flying of Phoenixes, and other high-quality works such as What a Beautiful Jasmine, etc.

        The performance of Chinese delegation was illustrated on headlines of American local newspaper The Voice. The local radio station Kbar Radio had a live interview  on NCEPU art troupe, expanding the international influence of NCEPU art troupe.

        The successful performance of Chinese art troupe, displaying the elegance of contemporary Chinese college students to American people, expanded the students’international vision, spread the Chinese traditional culture, and enhanced the artistic and cultural exchange between the two countries.



Translator: Zhao Ling     Proof-reader: Zhao Yushan

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