
Experts from the China Global Expert Recruitment Program Wang Haifeng and Huang Yongzhang Were Offered Appointment at Our University

Publishing time:2013-06-27    Viewer:


        On the afternoon of June 5th, the appointment ceremony for professors Wang Haifeng and Huang Yongzhang from the China Global Expert Recruitment Program was held in our campus. So far, a total of 7 distinguished experts from the China Global Expert Recruitment Program has been approved and introduced to our university.

        Our university leaders Wu Zhigong, Liu Jizhen, An Liansuo, Li Shuangchen, Yang Yongping, Wang Zengping, specially hired experts Wang Haifeng, Huang Yongzhang, heads of each functional departments and schools, all the fixed researchers of state key laboratory of new energy power system, teaching faculty and student delegates from school of electrical and electronic engineering attended the ceremony, which was hosted by deputy secretary of our university's party committee Li Shuangjiang.

        Li, on behalf of our university, sent congratulations to professors Wang Haifeng and Huang Yongzhang on their inclusion to the China Global Expert Recruitment Program and expressed welcome for their joining in NCEPU.

        Vice-president An Liansuo introduced the academic backgrounds of the two professors on the ceremony.

        President Liu Jizhen awarded professors Wang and Huang specially hired expert certificates.

        Professor Wang Haifeng gave a speech on the ceremony, he said that he was very delighted to be appointed professorship at NCEPU as a member of the China Global Expert Recruitment Program. He also expressed graduates to the leaders and functional departments of our university for the caring, support and help offered during the process of his application for the China Global Expert Recruitment Program.

        Professor Huang Yongzhang shared his Beijing dream, scientific research dream, American dream and returning to China dream in his speech and said that his current dream was to serve the country and to make contributions to the development of China's science and technology. He said that he felt great pride to become a member of NCEPU and to be able to work in the state key laboratory of new energy power system. He said he would prepare himself well enough to live up to the expectations and trust of all the leaders.

        In order to comprehensively implement the development strategy of "talents" and speed up the structuring of talent work, from this year on, each department of our university will bear clear and specific high-level talent introduction and training tasks and sign task documents. On the ceremony, Party secretary Wu Zhigong, leaders from school of energy power and mechanical engineering, school of control and computer engineering, director of the national engineering laboratory biomass power generation equipment signed task documents on talent work.

        President Liu, on behalf of our administrative party committee and all the teachers and students,  expressed welcome in his speech to the two professors' joining in NCEPU.

        He also pointed out that in recent years, new members of NCEPU had achieved outstanding achievements, for example, the two professors Huang Guohe and Xu Jinliang successively got first award for natural science of Education Ministry. Professor Zhang Huayong got first award for science and technology progress in Shangdong province. He said that talents introduced from overseas would fit themselves in NCEPU sooner and make their contributions was the common wish of all of us. He expressed hope that professors Wang and Huang would promote new progress in the country’s fields of energy and electric power industry.

        Party secretary Wu Zhigong expressed hope in his speech that all the middle-level cadres and faculty in our university should work together to build a talent system that would possess international competitiveness and construct a university system and culture that would be suitable to the development of talents. He also expressed his hope that the two professors Wang and Huang would  have a joyful life and work in NCEPU.

        Deputy secretary Li Shangchen pionts out when making a conclusion to the meeting that it was on this year’s Teacher’s Representative Committee that we proposed the development strategy of “talents” and that experts on the list of China Global Expert Recruitment Program are leading figures standing in the forefront of the world. He says what they mean to our university is not only honor but more importantly, they will play a leading role in our academic construction, personnel training, and faculty building. Especially, they will play a vital role in promoting our scientific research into frontier areas. In the future, all departments should attach great importance to talent work and consider the job of high-level talent introduction and cultivation as the most important in our development strategy of “talents”. We should attract a number of high-level talents and take it as a guarantee to build a first-class university and realize NCEPU Dream.

                                 Translator: Zhao Ling     Proof-reader: Zhao Yushan

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