Publishing time:2010-11-09 Viewer:
China-United Kingdom Biomass Co-Firing Workshop, launched by NCEPU and Cranfield University, sponsored by biomass power equipment national engineering laboratory, was held in Long Cheng International Hotel successfully on September 19th, 2010.
The opening ceremony was chaired by Duan Chunming, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department. Attended were Yang Yongping, Vice President of NCEPU, and more than fifty experts, scholars and enterprises representatives from Cranfield University, RWE Electric Power Company, Doosan Babcock Electric Power Company, Andalin Consulting Corporation, Tsinghua University, China Coal Research Institute, National Bio Energy Co., Ltd., Long Ji Electric Power Company, and North China Electric Power University. The content of the seminar consists of biomass energy research background in China, biomass energy research experience in UK, as well as project development opportunities and cooperation between the two countries. Liu Yongqian, Director of International Cooperation Department in NCEPU congratulated on the success of the seminar and hoped China and UK would extend further cooperation in new energy field.
On behalf of NCEPU, Vice President Yang expressed warm welcome for the arrival of the domestic and overseas experts. He pointed put that, faced with energy shortage and global climate change, countries all over the world have devoted to the exploitation of new and renewable energy, therefore China is also engaged in promoting the technological progress and industrialization of its new energy industry. Since Chinese National Energy Administration has published the new energy industry programming recently, the launch of this seminar is just in time. He also said that biomass power generation industry in China takes lead in scale and has an enormous space for development. Having been constantly strives for new energy development and research, NCEPU has established the first Renewable Energy School in China, received approval by National Development and Reform Commission to establish the biomass power equipment national engineering laboratory and formed its own research characteristics in areas such as biomass low pollution and high efficiency combustion, efficient gasify splitting, the development of anticorrosive material, power station detection. In the end, he hoped that this international seminar would strengthen long-term cooperation in biomass field between China and UK.
The international seminar includes sixteen oral presentations and one group discussion, reflecting China-United Kingdom’s experience, outcome and technical problems in biomass energy field. It has provided a platform for China and UK to discuss future cooperation framework to enhance biomass energy development in China.
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