Publishing time:2017-01-09 Viewer:
Professor Jessica Li from the Department of Social Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA, was invited by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NCEPU to make an academic visit to NCEPU from December 13 to 25, 2016. The visit was mainly to carry out academic exchanges on the 2016 key talent recruitment project of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. On the morning of Dec. 23, Jessica Li made an academic report entitled “Building an Ethical Business Culture in Emerging Economics: The Case of China”. Prof. Ren Hui gave a welcome speech and presided over the symposium. The report detailed the study of the impact of business ethics on business decision-making, and explored China with an in-depth discussion. Jessica Li’s wonderful report aroused great interest of teachers and students present, who had a lively discussion and exchange on the content and research methods with Professor Li later. During Jessica Li’ visit, members of Associate Professor Wang Fei Project presented the research progress on his sociological analysis of the load curve clustering, the user’s behavior of electricity consumption and the demand side response in the form of academic reports and other forms. The two sides had a full exchange on how to design an effective questionnaire, how to carry out cross-disciplinary research in sociology and engineering and other issues. Jessica Li made specific comments and suggestions on the problems in project research and academic papers writing. Jessica Li’s visit provides a useful help and support in the sociological analysis of the user’s behavior of electricity consumption and in-depth development interdisciplinary innovation, and laid a good foundation for further cooperation. [Translator: Yang Shuqing Proof-reader: Li Haiyan]
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